So, I have started to grow a beard. Well, ive nearly entered my third week of beard growth. However according to, I should leave it for at least 4 weeks first before even attempting to shape or style it.
I have certainly experienced the usual comments:
Lost your razor?
Being lazy?
But then after about a week and a half I started to get more interested comments:
Are you growing a beard?
It suits you
Nice whiskers
Now I have bearded colleagues offering me advice and help. The most recent one went along these lines: "I know you probably don't have any of this, but if you do have some conditioner, then you should try that." Well actually, dear reader, I have a Lush facial scrub with lavender oils and sometimes use a conditioner now and again to keep my face soft and soothed. I have had to wash my face mid-way through the day but this is seldom.
So, am I glad that i've decided to keep up with the growth? Definitely. From the articles I have read, a beard is a sign of manliness. It's also a sign of committment and dedication. Yes, it's easy to start to grow a beard. But the constant comments, the itchy face and the subconscious twirling does niggle me but it seems well worth it.
For an interesting selection of sites about beard growth check about the manliness blog and a comprehensive site about everything beard related.